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K-MINE Module

Stability Analysis

  • for experts in openpit bench and wall stability.
  • for professionals responsible for monitoring rock mass movement and determining stability margins.
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Stability Analysis Using Block Models

With the Stability Analysis module, you can perform various stability analysis operations, including stability assessments of dumps and openpit benches/walls in the homogeneous and heterogeneous rock masses, using a geomechanical model.

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Pit Wall Stability Analysis – Hard Rocks

Using the K-MINE Stability Analysis module, you can explore the stability of wall sections formed by hard rocks with varying physical and mechanical properties based on structural occurrence patterns.

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Stability Analysis – Loose Rocks

Moreover, with K-MINE, you can calculate the stability of wall and bench sections formed by loose rocks with varying physical and mechanical properties, with a consistent pattern of structural occurrence.

The deliverables are stability factors and graphs showing sliding wedges.

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Seam Block Model

For stratified deposits, you can use force polygon method for a heterogeneous environment and a block model for stability analysis.

Internal and External Dumps

With a three-dimensional graphic model of a dump, you can assess the stability of dump slopes at the design stage.

Additionally, the module can draw a line with a recommended slope angle based on the user-defined stability factor.

Calculation methods include:

  • Algebraic addition of forces
  • With foundation uplift
  • Force polygon method for a homogeneous environment
  • Force polygon method for a heterogeneous environment
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    Frequently Asked Questions

    What kind of licenses does K-MINE provide and how much do they cost?

    K-MINE offers two types of licenses: monthly or annual subscriptions and perpetual licenses. Please contact the K-MINE team to learn about the pricing for each module.

    How can information be transferred from one module to another?

    K-MINE is a standalone application with a single database, so no data transfer is necessary. Different teams can access data according to their user rights.

    Is K-MINE cloud-based software?

    No, K-MINE is a desktop application. However, upon request, our team can install it on a Windows server and set up a cloud infrastructure.