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The unprecedented events triggered by the world pandemic demonstrated the importance of remote work tools for different professionals, including those that work in the mining industry.

K-MINE: Geology. The Unique Solution For Effective Remote Geologists' Work

For instance, many geologists found it impossible to control the quality of raw materials and run general operational management processes. Users of various software solutions that turned out not to be ready for the challenges of 2020 were the most frustrated by the situation.

Fortunately, K-MINE provided powerful algorithms to collect, protect, and analyze data and visualize them and forecast cost-effective standard solutions even before the pandemic.

The “K-MINE Geology” module offers all functions required for remote deposit management, such as studying geological-and-structural features of ore bodies, assessing reserves and deposit resources, forecasting qualitative and quantitative indicators of ores short-term mine planning, etc. Each company can easily set up the remote work of the users and differentiate their rights.

K-MINE did not forget to include in the module the functions that help to create three-dimensional wireframes and blocks, construct geological and industrial models of deposits, analyze statistics and variograms, as well as use mining assay data. It’s important to highlight that implementation of K-MINE is possible at any stage of the deposit development.

The “K-MINE: Geology” module has a very user-friendly interface to create or import/export databases and make various settings for intercommunication between tables of the relational database. Databases use unique triggers to process information. They exclude SQL queries and help geologists to use filters, calculate grades and technological varieties according to the specifications applied to products or conditional parameters for delineation of ore bodies, check logical conditions, and so on.

K-MINE helps to create automatically combined geological-and-surveying sections that also contain geological information on the current and designed positions of mining operations. To offer the best experience, K-MINE mechanically generates vertical and horizontal scales, displays legends and data on coordinates of blasthole collars and their spacing, visualizes useful components and accounted blocks, as well as other additional special symbols.

The deposit block modeling, which was highly appreciated by the geologists of various companies, serves to perform all work stages for reserves and resources evaluation. The geologists can create models, select domains, run geostatistic researches, evaluate the quality and quantity of minerals, as well as optimize mining boundaries considering technical-and-economic calculations.

3D deposit model increases the data processing rate, validity of correlation and interpolation parameters, considerably simplifies the current graphical reporting and calculating operations for the real-time accounting of balance flows. Simultaneously, the module offers shared access with different user rights, the option for remote operations, and model management.

Our customers appreciate the ability to simulate virtually diverse situations for open-pit mining based on the IF-THEN scenario and the resource model. These functions provide unique opportunities to assess the investment risk of the deposit (or its sites) development and conduct technical-and-economical feasibility of mining parameters that leads to well-grounded managerial decisions.

The module also contains powerful built-in tools to generate comprehensive reports to prepare the print documentation, including graphics, texts, and tables, according to the required design elements.

We keep up with the times and respond to the geologists’ needs. At present, K-MINE tests the seam block model that includes blocks of different axial sizes and can split blocks, plus consider the plicative and disjunctive tectonics. The computational algorithms were optimized, so the block model can be constructed directly from the database without building wireframes. Also, the detailed block models may be created with any possible block amount.

The K-MINE software is adapted to both open-pit and underground mining methods. Its multilingual interface helps to use technical solutions worldwide and be a standard-bearer in the mining industry.

The geological module, which functionality was updated because of the forced quarantine measures, provides efficient remote work for geologists from anywhere in the world. The option to work remotely allows to avoid time loss and reduces expenses, so it is especially relevant during the lockdowns.

The pandemic changed the technological paradigm, our attitudes, and habits. The current crisis is extremely unordinary, but we can already recognize the solutions to these challenges. Today, our customers more often prefer to work remotely, as using K-MINE, they can easily manage the workflow, simulate operational, geological support for mining operations on a digital twin, evaluate reserves and resources, maintain the geological sampling database, and generate geological reports, calculate technical-and-economic variants of the deposit development expediency, and justify the most effective way of mine workings.

K-MINE seamlessly adapted to remote management, and now it helps achieve absolute maximum economic effect from its implementation. Discover the unique K-MINE features and use them from anywhere in the world!